Life After a New Baby – Part 2 Cleaning Systems

Living in a clean house is important to everyone at this house. Everyone, that is, except for the new baby! But I have found that keeping the mess down keeps the stress down for the rest of us. So, I make it a priority to at least keep the house in a clutter free condition.

To help me in this endeavor, I use a card file system.  I’ve tried many systems in my time and found that, more than anything, routine is key. It is also important to find your weak areas and address them. For me, focusing on one task at a time, figuring out what needs to be done when, and remembering my task after an inevitable interruption are my weaknesses. My card system addresses all of these needs. I can easily add or remove items as they are needed (or not). The cards tell me what I need to be doing so I am not jumping from one task to another in an endless circle. And if I need to make someone a snack, pick up a baby, wipe a bottom, or help someone with something, I can just go back to my cards and see what I was working on without wasting time trying to remember.

My cards have my daily chores written on white index cards:
Plan dinner, be sure it isn’t frozen, get it in the crockpot if needed
Take my medicine
Empty the dishwasher if Papa hasn’t already
Clear and wipe the breakfast table
Clear and wipe the counters and stove
Start a load of laundry
Tidy the living areas
Sweep the floor

These are my morning chores each day.  My weekly chores are written on colored index cards so that I can spot them easily:
Clean the bathrooms
Water the houseplants
Wash windows

All of these cards are stored in a pretty box with daily divider tabs. When I do a chore, the card goes to the next day tab. In the morning, they are already stacked up in order for me when I move my day of the week tab to the back of the box!

It seems simple but it makes a world of difference in how much I accomplish in a day.

One thought on “Life After a New Baby – Part 2 Cleaning Systems

  1. I obviously appreciate your organization skills…I just had to come check this out from Code Name Mama’s link! I like this idea. Your point about figuring out weaknesses gives me a great place to start. For me, I think the big challenge is how to keep Munchkin happy while I tend to chores. He needs lots of 1 on 1 interaction that precludes me from say, sweeping the floor. He also likes to ‘help’ and be involved so “picking up” is sort of an oxymoron with a toddler. I always wonder how other moms do it! Maybe I could create some note cards with some activities for him to do while I do my chores? Hmmmm…. Thanks for the suggestions!


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